BRAINSTORM: Monitoring Scheme 101!
Started the day working our minds out squeezing those brain cells to produce the right monitoring scheme to use for the upcoming launch of Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD) in Central Luzon State University in Nueva Ecija. I brought with me my photocopies and notes from our Comm Plan and Comm Evaluation subject. Had a hard time thinking on how to start planning for the monitoring scheme. Had a series of talks with the two interns on the venue's background since the launching will be held on their school and they already had a chance to join previous launching of the same program in other places in the Metro, so I consulted them about the flow of the program, how it is being utilized, how possible the monitoring can be, what kind of participants will attend the launching and other queries associated with that.
I needed a break. Good thing, I was asked to encode names and contact details of BKD members. I had a long list of people so I was typing until the end of my duty.
I think, the week's task is a MAJOR test of patience for me and my partner Carmela. We have few more days to go before the launching. Got to muster a lot of patience and pray harder. We can do this! :)